The Adult Cosplay Contest is open to attendees 16 and older for free.
Contestants must have a Saturday pass or weekend pass to be able to enter.
Registration for the contest will be at the Anime Fire booth located inside, near the Main Entrance of the vendor hall between the hours of 10 am to 3:00 pm.
Due to time limitations, we will not be accepting more than 40 contestants.
All registered contestants must be lined up on the right side of the Main Stage in front of the giant inflatable Bowser no later than 5:00 pm.
The contest will begin at 6:00 pm.
Each Contestant will be brought up individually, on the Main Stage and judged by our Cosplay Judges for presentation, quality of costume and character performance (acting like the character you're Cosplaying as)
The Top 3 contestants when trophies, prizes, including passes to Anime Las Vegas 2026
A bonus "Performance" trophy will be awarded for the best character participation contestant

The Kids Cosplay Contest is open to attendees 15 and under for free.
Contestants must be accompanied by an adult at registration.
Registration for the contest will be at the Anime Fire booth located inside, near the Main Entrance of the vendor hall between the hours of 10 am to 3:00 pm.
Due to time limitations, we will not be accepting more than 40 contestants.
All registered contestants must be lined up on the right side of the Main Stage in front of the giant inflatable Bowser no later than 4:00 pm.
The contest will be at 5:00 pm.
Each Contestant will be brought up individually, on the Main Stage and judged by our Cosplay Judges for presentation, quality of costume and character performance (acting like the character you're Cosplaying as)
The Top 3 contestants when trophies, prizes including passes to Anime Las Vegas 2026 ( if they age up to an adult pass)
A bonus "Performance" trophy will be awarded for the best character participation contestant
Sign ups are located at the ANIME FIRE booth located near Artist Alley and the main stage.